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Motor Insurance
Vehicle Re-Financing

On the verge of Selling or Buying a Vehicle?

 Critical data Vehicle Owners want to know

Get an IMMEDIATE Answers to the above by supplying the following info:
  • Year & Month of Registration of the vehicle
  • The OMV value of the vehicle
  • The COE value (premium quota paid) of the vehicle & COE Category
  • The estimated Selling / Buying Price of the Vehicle

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Owner Information  
Phone Number
Email       **( Anlaysis will be emailed to you)
NRIC No (e.g. S1234567E)
Vehicle Information  
Critical Information You MUST complete this to get your Analysis
Registration Year/Month 
OMV $  
COE $   Category
Vehicle Price $ (whatever price you intend to Sell or Buy the vehicle at)
Optional Information You only provide this info as reference
Class of Vehicle Private Vehicle       Commercial Vehicle     
Vehicle Registration Number       
Make & Model     
  If Model not found, please specify :
Engine Capacity  Cc
Vehicle PARF Status Eligible for PARF        NOT Eligible for PARF